I read "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" almost a year ago, and have been playing around with the cast in my head. Now, casting for the US version of the film is under way. I don't want my fantasy cast to be tainted by any actual casting, so here goes with the main characters...
Mikael Blomkvist is a middle-aged journalist/crusader, just out of prison after having lost a libel case. He doesn't want to further damage the reputation of magazine he runs, so he steps down from the board. I was thinking someone like Goran Visnjic, although he may be too dark - as in, not Swedish looking. On the other hand, it's my fantasy cast... However, I do have some runner-ups. Viggo Mortensen and Rob Lowe. I know! But just look at this picture from a Stand Up 2 Cancer ad, and you'll see what I mean.
So, Mikael is hired by gazillionaire industrialist Henrik Vanger to investigate the disappearance (murder?) of his niece Harriet some 40 years ago. Henrik is in his 80's now, in failing health but still a man to be reckoned with, and has never been able to get over not knowing what became of his niece. The obvious choice here is Paul Newman. Maybe a little too obvious. So, I've got another gentleman in mind. Alan Dale played Charles Widmore on Lost. I think he has the air of a gazillionaire industrialist. Plus he played one on TV.
Henrik is no fool. He had Blomkvist thoroughly checked out by Milton Security. The job was done by hacker extraordinairre Lisbeth Salander. She's mid-20's but could pass for a 14-year old boy. She's got some serious demons, but other than hacking, she pretty much minds her own business. Until she get shit on, and then she's ruthless. As with Henrik, there are two obvious choices here: Lori Petty and Fairuza Balk. And, as with Henrik, I've got some alternates, some more obvious than others. Consider Pink - not an actress, but she's got the attitude; a young Winona Ryder; a young Christina Ricci; a young Selma Blair (maybe too tall?); or, my choice, Emily Blunt.
What do you think of the cast so far? I'd love to hear your comments. In a future post, I'll give my picks for the supporting cast.
I recently read a suggestion that Adam Lambert play Lisbeth. Ha! Killin' me...
HaHa Adam Lambert. How can anyone play Salander with a last name like Lambert (Laaaambert the sheepish lion...)? Although androgenous Lambert could be interesting, but then you have to go with Kate Moening. But 2 ridiculous thumbs up for casting Emily Blunt! YAY--inspired casting choices by Ann.
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